Why student fails in exam.....???????  

Posted by Unknown

Why student fails in exam

Why student fails in exam???????

Its not the fault of the student if he/she fails, Because the year has an ONLY 365 days. Typical academic year for a student.

1. Sundays- 52,Sundays in a year, which are rest days. Balance 313 days.

2. Summer holidays-50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study. Balance 263 days.

3. 8 hours daily sleep-means 122 days. Balance 141 days.

4. 1 hour for daily playing-(good for health) means 15 days. Balance 126 days.

5. Two hours daily for food & other delicacies (chew properly & eat)-means 30 days. Balance 96 days.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal)-means 15 days . Balance 81 days.

7. Exam days per year at least 35 days. Balance 46 days.

8. Quarterly, Half yearly and festival holidays)-40 days. Balance 6 days.

9. For sickness at least 3 days. Balance 3 days.

10. Movies and functions at least 2 days. Balance 1 day.

11. That 1 day is your birthday. )))

Watch Movies in Microsoft Paint.  

Posted by Unknown

Watch Movies in Microsoft Paint.

No joke, did you know that you can watch movies in paint? But u can't do anything (Just watch it when its playing in Winamp... hope no use other than just experimenting..)

Here's what you gotta do :

1.Open your favourite movie player and play the movie (I played the .mpg format in Winamp)

2.Hit "PrintScreen", keep playing the movie in the player, dont stop it.

3.Open MsPaint.

4.Select "Edit>Paste" Or Hit "CTRL+V"

P.S: You can watch movies in Paint! But there are no Pause, Next, Previous, Stop etc. buttons....

Experiment with other formats too, it doesn't play DivX , Flash movies, etc.

Make Undeletable Folder...!!!  

Posted by Unknown

Make Undeletable Folder...!!!

We can actually make folders that cannot be deleted in Windows OS.

It must be made using Command Prompt.

It can only be deleted using Command Prompt.


1.Go to cmd.

2.Change to the directory that you want.

3.Assume i change to D:

4.So,in Command Prompt,type D: and [enter].

5.Type in this command "md lpt1\" without quotes and press enter.

6.The folder will now in your D:

7.Go and try and delete or rename it,you cannot do anything to it.

There are still many names that you can use to name the folder:

-lpt1 until lpt9



To delete it:

1.Go to Command Prompt again.

2.Navigate to the directory.

3.Type in rd lpt1\

try this...

Hidden Bluetooth software in Windows XP & Vista  

Posted by Unknown

1.Open the run command from start menu.

2.Now type fsquirt

This will open a window with text welcome and follow the instructions and you are done

Downalod HD Videos From YOUTUBE for Mozilla Firefox  

Posted by Unknown

There can't be any simpler and faster method to download YouTube videos in FLV, 3GP, MP3, MP4, 720p HD and 1080p Full-HD qualities than free Firefox add on Easy YouTube Video Downloader which recently got updated to v 2.0 and becoming the world's first 1080p full-HD video downloader for YouTube.

If You are using Google Chrome

Unlimited downloads using Rapidshare  

Posted by Unknown

Unlimited downloads using rapidshare.this is only working with DSL.


After a few downloads rapidshare will say you've downloaded too much in less than a certain amount of time.
By doing the following directions everytime it says you've reached your limit for the time being you can do the steps and it erases it all. Then you can proceed with downloading more and more files unlimited.
Do these steps everytime needed, enjoy!

1) Delete all your cookies (tools, internet options etc in IE)

2) click start, run and type 'cmd'

3) Type the following and push enter when instructed: * ipconfig /flushdns (Press Enter) * ipconfig /release (Press Enter) * ipconfig /renew (Press Enter) * exit (Press Enter)


this is only working with DSL.

Turn Your pc on in 10 seconds  

Posted by Unknown

Aight so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds Aight heres what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds

Aite Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key

HKEY_LOACAL_MECHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\ContentIndex

now there find the Key Called
"Startup Delay"
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
You'll See The Result

hope you can use this!

Hack Your Modem and Increase Your Download Speed to any Speed You Wish!  

Posted by Unknown

Hack Your Modem and Increase Your Download Speed from 64Kbps to any Speed You Wish

Most of us will be feeling that the surfing speed which is allocated by our ISP is not enough. People with 64Kbps will think 128Kbps will be cool speed. People with 128Kbps will think 256Kbps will be cool and so on

This tutorial will teach you how to increase your 64Kbps link to 512Kbps or what ever speed you like.

It is very much possible to do this. With a bit of luck if your Cable Internet Service Provider are very uneducated on how this very new technology works and leave some key loopholes open for you to grab vital information on how to accomplish this task. But this tutorial will no guarantee you 100% success.

Okay here we go. I'm going to try to explain you as best as I can to accomplish re-configuring your SB5100, SB4100 or SB3100 cable modem

Theory of cable modem working

All the cable modems when it boots up it will search for an �Image file� where in all configuration like your upload speed limit and download speed limit is defined. This �Image file� is stored in ISP`s TFTP server. Modem will be pre-configured with the ISP`s TFTP server IP address and the Image file name to be downloaded. When the modem boots up it query TFTP server and download Image file from TFTP server according to this this our speed limits will be set.

Our Mission

Get this Image file from ISP`s TFTP server, reconfigure it according to our need and force our modem to download this file from our Computer rather than downloading it from our ISP`s TFTP server.

Steps to accomplish

1). Get cable modems MAC address
2). Get your ISPs TFTP server IP address
3). Get name and path of the �configuration file� or Image file stored in the ISP`s TFTP server.
4). Download Image file from ISP`s TFTP server.
5). Decrypt the Image file which you downloaded from ISP`s TFTP server
6). Modify the Image file
7). Encrypt the modified Image file
8). Change your computer�s TCP configuration same as ISP`s TFTP server (i.e. IP address same as ISP`s TFTP server)
9). Host TFTP server in your computer
10). Put Image file in the base directory of your TFTP
11). Restart your modem
12). Changer your PC's IP back as given by ISP
13). OOPS Done. Start surfing with your new speed

1). Get cable modems MAC address

You can either look at the back of the modem to get this MAC Address or you can logon to your Cable modem with your Web Browser . This is internal HTML pages stored within your DOCsis cable modem (SB5100, SB4100 and SB3100) that gives you even more vital information on configuration. Unless it is turned off by your ISP. This feature might be totally turned off by your ISP.

2). Get your ISPs TFTP server IP address
3). Get name and path of the �configuration file� or Image file stored in the ISP`s TFTP server.

For getting this vital information you have to do an SNMP walk over your modem. For doing this you can use any one of the tools below

a) There�s a program called QUERY.EXE from Weird Solutions which is a BOOTP packet request program that will tell you everything you need to know, without all these extra steps. It will display the Image Filename, TFTP server address, which is really all you need to get started. To use this BOOTP QUERY tool, you need the MAC address of your cable modem
You can download this from:


use command �snmpwalk public�

NOTE: Use modem�s IP address as �� (SB5100, SB4100 and SB3100) when it asked to provide by any of the above tools. SNMP community is �Public�

Using the above tools you will get the information of your ISP`s TFTP server IP and the name of your �Image file� stored in that TFTP server
All your vital information is stored in this file, One of which is the MaxRateDown 2621440; MaxRateUp 393216;. (This was my ISP settings. Which you can see is similar to what speed I was getting. 40KB/s up and 250 KB/s down)

Among these, the one we need are:
Configuration TFTP Server = 194.*.*..90 (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)
Configuration filename = isrr.bin (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)
IP fragments created = 0
IP address.10.xxx.xxx.xxx = 10.xxx.xxx.xxx
IP address. = (the IP address of the cable modem, (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)
IP-to-If-index.10.xxx.xxx.xxx = 2

Suggestion: You can do this step by sniffing the modem i.e. �� when modem boots up. I never tried this method. Try your luck.

4). Download Image file from ISP`s TFTP server.

For doing this got to your command prompt and use below commands with out quotes and bracket.

�C:\tftp -i GET �

Okay now you got Image file from your ISP`s TFTP server.

5). Decrypt the Image file which you downloaded from ISP`s TFTP server
6). Modify the Image file
7). Encrypt the modified Image file

Use docsis tool which you can download from


using this program you can decrypt image file change the upload speed and download speed ,save it and encrypt back. Rename this newly created file same as your original image file.

8). Change your computer�s TCP configuration same as ISP`s TFTP server (i.e. IP address same as ISP`s TFTP server)

Go to my network place and right click ->properties
Select your LAN Card right click ->property->Internet Protocol (TCP-IP) double click on it and change it to as following values
Configure your TPC�s TCP settings as below
IP: 194.*.*.90 (replace with the ISP�s TFTP server)
Gateway: (replace with your cable modem�s IP address)

Note: Gateway should be then only your modem can communicate with computer.

9). Host TFTP server in your computer
10). Put Image file in the base directory of your TFTP
11). Restart your modem

Download TFTP Server software and host TFTP server in your computer
You can download TFTP server from:


Start TFTPD32 server. Go to Settings and set the Security to None. Increase the timeout to 20secs and the Max Retransmit to 6. Choose to translate UNIX filenames. Make sure it's base directory point to where the isrr.bin is (i.e. theimage file which you modified). If you need to replicate a directory pathname along with the image file, then make a directory from root that corresponds to the image file pathname.

Restart your modem, and AS SOON as the SEND light goes solid, you should see a receive on your TFTP server i.e. your PC

12). Changer your PC's IP back as given by ISP
13). OOPS Done. Start surfing with your new speed

Now you change your TCP settings of your PC back to normal as given by ISP. (I.e. Put your original IP address and gateway)

Oops you hacked your modem. Test out by downloading some files using DAP (Download accelerator plus)

Note: This speed will remain same until you restart your cable modem. So each time you reboot your modem you have to follow the steps 8,9,10,11 and 12


By ~Rafomac~

How to Find and Download Missing Driver Without any Software  

Posted by Unknown

Experience of Windows 7 has been wonderful. Windows 7 has got a huge drivers database and you do not need to search and install board drivers for graphics, sound, memory cards and more. If you are using Windows XP or Windows Vista and you just installed fresh copy of it then finding drivers and installing them might feel you a pain. The main problem which average user experiences is they do not know the model of device they have in their computer. So they do not know which driver software will fit their need. We have an easy solution for that. You can easily find all the information you need to find the right driver without any software help or dissecting your PC.

Device Manager of PC has got a solution for you. If you Google the right information, you will find the driver right a single click away. All you need is right information for that device.
Right click at My Computer
Click Properties -> Hardware -> Device manager
See which device has a question sign there
Question sign shows that the driver for that device is not installed.
Right click that device -> Properties -> Details
In details tab there will be 'Device Instance Id'
Below that selection there will be another portion containing the right driver info.
It will be something like;
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2930&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61A AA01&0&FB

In the above line 'VEN' stands for vender.
Just copy that whole line and Google it.
You will find the right driver to download for that device.


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